Sunday 13 October 2013

Deaf diliema

Deaf  people are devoid of two of their senses.But since they look normal and behave normally, no one can make out their travails till they open their mouth.Since they cannot hear they cannot speak and developing language becomes a major problem.Their education also suffers.
Any announcement  at public platforms cannot be heard by them.They use and need visuals extensively. At work place they face problems too ....How one can manage with them in office see link.

Wednesday 9 October 2013


Nature is its own creation.Beautiful,colorful and with all the elements of awe and wonder. Mountains ,rivers, lakes and flowers are all creations of nature.Being with nature makes one peaceful.


One can watch nature for hours and hours and feel a sense of peace and well being.

Tuesday 8 October 2013


Old songs are a delight to hear even now.It had lyrics,melody and meaning.
Now a days there is more of noise and unheard of words which form lyrics.A lot of vulgarity has also creeped into today's songs and it is a pain to hear them .
When you want to hear melody, go to listen just how wonderful the atmosphere feels when these old songs are played.In black and white,when there was no color in films these added joy and myraid  hues to our life.The singers who made it possible were many.....they added life to the lyrics.

To hear all old songs,try-

Monday 7 October 2013


I love gardens.Gardens bring joy to ones life.Gardens have flowers and flowers make one happy.There are different kinds of flowers and each flower has a different color and beauty.Gardens can be natural or man made.They are planned in a systematic manner and have landscaping.

                                                                                                     GARDENS ARE DELIGHTFUL


Delhi is the capital of India.It has a lot  of greenery and is a beautiful city.It has history and monuments.

Lotus temple is an architectural wonder.Shaped like a lotus it draws people from all walks of life.It is called a temple since it follows the Bahai faith.There is a large empty hall with chairs where one can meditate. It is surrounded by beautiful greenery and water bodies.

Akshardham temple is another archietectural wonder.Built over a huge area it glorifies Swami Narain. It takes a whole day to see the entire temple.On entry there is a museum displaying pictures of all the sides and explanation of the work on the walls. Then there is a boat ride where one can see India down the years and its contribution to the world.A huge screen shows the life of Swami Narain

For more details-

Sunday 6 October 2013

Sign language

There are many different kinds of sign language for the deaf and hard of hearing.This makes it more difficult for the deaf to communicate with their peers across the world.There are some common signs used in most sign languages but they can be totally different from one another.

American sign language  is done with one hand.This hand  makes the english alphabets with fingers and a word is formed.The deaf communicate in this way by signing.
The Indians,British and Australians sign with both hands.This is called finger spelling

There are some gestures which are commonly used for words.Then you do not need to finger spell.

In this manner the deaf communicate with one another like any normal person.They laugh,joke,and communicate their feelings and sentiments to one another.

Thursday 3 October 2013

Deaf are not dumb

The deaf  people are not dumb.They can be trained to speak and trained to hear with the help of hearing aids.However,it is very confusing  for deaf children to meet and interact with other deaf children since there are different sign languages.The Americans sign with one hand,while the Britishers sign with both hands.Indian sign language is different from Australian which is known as Auslan sign language. Therefore if a deaf person meets another deaf person they may not be able to communicate very well.
Indian sign language is similar to Auslan and British sign language but there are many differences in signing the words.But it is not very difficult to converse with deaf people.Yes,there may be communication gaps but your message can be understood and responded to.It is like being in a foreign country and not knowing the language.Often it can be frustrating,at the same time it can be a challenge to get your message across.