Monday 7 October 2013


Delhi is the capital of India.It has a lot  of greenery and is a beautiful city.It has history and monuments.

Lotus temple is an architectural wonder.Shaped like a lotus it draws people from all walks of life.It is called a temple since it follows the Bahai faith.There is a large empty hall with chairs where one can meditate. It is surrounded by beautiful greenery and water bodies.

Akshardham temple is another archietectural wonder.Built over a huge area it glorifies Swami Narain. It takes a whole day to see the entire temple.On entry there is a museum displaying pictures of all the sides and explanation of the work on the walls. Then there is a boat ride where one can see India down the years and its contribution to the world.A huge screen shows the life of Swami Narain

For more details-

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